Plague Inc: Evolved

The world has never faced such danger as at this moment. And the first death is proof of that.

How many people can be infected? Who is Patient Zero? And how many potential victims are now on the streets of the country from which the patient returned? A game that depressingly makes you believe in the impossible.

A rising danger that paints threats red country after country. The government is shocked by the speed of the spread and the complexity of the course of the disease. The borders are closing, and even the planes do not take off into the sky. Who is behind all this? Plague Inc is a choice, it’s not just a disaster strategy.

Management and diagnosis of the disease

How to make the disease progress? Hone your skills step by step. Discover the world of unprecedented technologies. Every single cell on your screen is a disease spurt. The more effort you put into development, the more bonuses you get.

What symptoms are known to the general mass? Can you collect enough points to add new symptoms and confuse the tracks? The greater the sign, the slower the counteracting drug will be created. A few lucky upgrades and your microbe already has the ability to drive people to seizures.

A couple more steps – and you get unprecedented accompanying symptoms that worsen the condition of patients and slow down the immune system. Play on the nerves of government leaders as they panic evacuate and impose quarantine restrictions. Plague Inc is not just a virus, it is a kick in the ass for the entire immune and health system of the world.

Follow the news in the upper corner of the screen

They will start talking about you. And your main task is to understand how to outwit knowledgeable carriers of the disease. Keep the positive dynamics of the spread of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms affect people every second. Suddenly create a bacterium with oxygen starvation or gag reflex.

People should not have time to recover from the previous wave of complications. The game consists in introducing special skills and knowledge into a small bacterium. She has her own intelligence and immediately rushes to a healthy goal. Strive to take over urban areas. The larger and denser the population, the more infected patients.

In addition, there is more chance of spreading through highways, ports and airports. Play until you see the first thousand sick. Further this wheel will not stop. You will only have to wait until the whole map turns red and succumbs to your brilliant mind. Wait for your own mutation – and you can see the real show.