Run From Corona Virus

No matter how much you run away from adversity, it will still overtake you. A disease that affects everyone from toddlers to adults and the elderly. Wherever you run – everywhere there is a risk of infection. No one has yet managed to cope with the annoying bacteria that strives to ruin your life.

Run From Corona Virus is a harsh reality, not just another mobile app. No matter how many masks you put on, you will still have to flee from the most affected area. Take a breath for a couple of seconds and move on. I have never been so scared in my life.

This little particle is omnipresent. It brings pain, crazy convulsions and spreads from person to person. Are you ready to overcome fear and challenge the epidemic of the century? Will you hesitate to try to invent a vaccine? Are you willing to help humanity so much that you sacrifice your own interests? Leave all inhibitions behind you. The main goal is to save lives.