Virus Hit

When you understand that the future of mankind depends on you, you will make any attempts to stop the bacterium. When you only have a knife in your hands, it is, of course, harder to fight. But in the war against the pandemic, all means are good.

Put a bacterium in a special capsule and mock it as slowly as it mocks people. Throw weapons at her until the virus gives up and retreats. Fight every single-celled one that can threaten your health. The graphics of the game are as simple as possible, as is the control panel.

A few clicks – and you are familiar with all the rules and possibilities of development. Users have made a serious process fun and easy to understand. As soon as the disease is defeated, you will emerge as a real hero from this battle.

Stay one on one with an enemy cell – and she will have no choice but to die. Rely on your feelings. Do as your instinct tells you. Destroy the most dangerous infection on the planet.